Wellness Visionary Angela Zeng: The Karviva Journey
Wellness Visionary Angela Zeng: The Karviva Journey

In the health and wellness domain, Angela Zeng isn't just a CEO, she's a visionary, a force that's reshaping the landscape of nutrition and hydration. Her journey with Karviva is more than a success story; it's a testament to resilience, community impact, and a passion for making wellness accessible to all.
Angela's dedication has been the driving force behind Karviva's soaring revenues, navigating the unique challenges that come with being a woman and an immigrant in a fiercely competitive industry. Beyond securing prime real estate on the shelves of major retailers, Angela embarked on an audacious mission – educating an entire population on a new paradigm of wellness.
The story begins at her local Whole Foods, where Angela, with a twinkle in her eye, convinced the manager to let her chat with shoppers and dish out samples. It was a small step that sparked a wildfire. A chance encounter with a well-connected local turned into a walking billboard for Angela's mission, and soon, Karviva's drinks weren't just a local secret—they were spreading across Missouri and beyond, fueled by word of mouth, social media, and the Amazon effect.
Angela isn't just the CEO; she's the "fearless leader" propelling Karviva to new heights. Her game plan is simple, to bring wellness to the world! People from every corner are testifying to the transformative power of Karviva's juice blends. From aiding cancer survivors with chemo side effects to managing blood sugar in diabetics and soothing joint inflammation, Angela's concoctions are game-changers.
But Angela's impact doesn't stop at the boardroom. She throws her all into both work and home life, proving that being a CEO and having work-life balance aren't mutually exclusive. A role model for aspiring entrepreneurs, moms, and minorities alike, Angela embodies resilience and success in the face of serious challenges.
Her proudest accomplishment is not just about awards and accolades (though there are plenty). Angela beams with pride at how her mission to promote good health is rippling across the United States and beyond. Karviva isn't just about drinks; it's a movement into markets hungry for healthy options like sports recovery and hydration drinks.
And it's not just about growth; it's about doing it sustainably. Karviva's drinks are crafted in a St. Louis-based production facility, with almost every ounce of high-quality ingredients utilized. The company's commitment to sustainability extends to hydroponic farming, growing organic mung bean sprouts efficiently without soil. Less waste, more nutrients, and a lower carbon footprint—it's Angela's vision in action. Karviva is going stronger and is now found on more shelves than ever before. Thanks to Dave Peacock, one of Karviva's customers, said, "I do believe that if you put Karviva on shelf, consumers will purchase it. And that’s not only for the vast benefits it provides but also for the delicious taste!"
The accolades speak volumes. From being named one of St. Louis Small Business Monthly's 2021 "Wonder Women" to earning the 2021 Synergy Award Gold by USPAACC, Angela is a beacon of inspiration. The Lieutenant Governor's Women of Achievement Award in 2023 is just another testament to her impactful journey.
Angela's passion for natural healing, rooted in a lifelong belief in herbal science and backed by her profound experience in medical research, has earned her recognition on national platforms. The Higher Education Channel featured her in 2021, winning a Mid-America Emmy Award, and Karviva shone on the national program "Food is Love" series on PBS.
Yet, for Angela, the true honor lies in the Lieutenant Governor’s Women of Achievement Award. It's a recognition of the diverse accomplishments of Missouri women—a fitting tribute to a woman who's not just growing a company but nurturing a movement that celebrates wellness, community, and a passion for natural healing. Angela Zeng isn't just a CEO; she's a wellness warrior on a mission, and the world is taking note.