Top 10 Coaches Share Their Advice To Live A Fulfilled Life

We all come across a point in our life where we hit a mental roadblock and need some motivation for reinstating purpose. Sometimes our determination is not enough to fulfill it and we seek some external motivation. Life Coaching has stood the test of time to prove that it a powerful process to ignite change while serving as a medium to open connection between us and our goals.
The main purpose of life coaching is to infuse the power of positivity into intentions and actions to create more scope for personal thriving and achievement in different aspects of life. These life coaches are not only improving life satisfaction for their clients but their valuable advice has been shaping the personal and professional endeavors of people around the world.
Here we have listed some of the best advice given by the greatest life coaches for living a fulfilling life:
Brenley Cunningham

Brenley Cunningham is a certified Holistic Health Coach, hormone specialist, Personal Trainer, mom, and business owner. For the last 16 years she has followed her passion to teach all aspects of health and facilitate a healthy environment where clients can thrive.
Brenley believes the most integral part of a permanent behavioural and physical change is understanding wellness as an integrated system - mind, body, and soul.
To live a fulfilling life, first define what that means. Setting a goal is great, but creating and identifying a “why” is even more powerful. When you define your “why” you can plan out your “how.” Let your weaknesses empower you. Reflect on your inner dialogue. Your beliefs create your experience, and your experience confirms your beliefs. To live your best life, your beliefs must align with your hopeful outcome.
As we go through the ebbs and flows of life, we have the capacity to adapt, evolve, and navigate new inspiring roads. We become stronger every step.
It’s time to take back your power and reinforce your worth, your work, and your will. You have the ability to achieve greatness. Start with your thoughts and actions. All else will fall into place.
Leah Bernath

Leah Bernath, CEO, Your Best Self, LLC helps a community of fierce women design--and live--the life of their dreams.
An interior designer, fitness guru, Mindset/Life Coach, and single mother of two, Leah recognizes the space you are in mentally is impacted by the space you are in physically (and vice versa.) Through illuminating sessions and supportive, strategic 1:1 coaching, she helps clients align a thriving mindset with interior design that promotes optimal wellbeing.
Leah’s advice to achieving success and finding lasting fulfillment? Take the first step to shift your life. Many of us have been trapped inside during the pandemic, and we have grown stagnant in our physical and mental spaces. Start by purging items and clutter that do not serve you to make space for expansion. Try rearranging the furniture in one room of your house to allow for better flow and function- and notice how your mood shifts. Incorporate colors and inspirational pieces that spark joy. By creating an environment that supports who you want to become, you will manifest the future you deeply desire- starting your journey to major transformation!
Lindsay Stead

Lindsay Stead is a trailblazer when it comes to the coaching industry; having built her entire career around the belief that your success is inevitable as long as you keep going and forge genuine relationships.
Lindsay has supported entrepreneurs looking to leverage their digital marketing and uplevel their business. When you work with Lindsay you get a dose of accountability, strategy, support, friendship, cheerleading, and everything in between.
Building genuine relationships online didn’t always come easily to Lindsay; a true INFJ, Lindsay has always valued her privacy and alone time, often needing it to recharge. This genuine understanding has enabled Lindsay to support fellow introverts and shy-leaning entrepreneurs build their businesses without being in that constant state of burnout.
Building a business that aligns with and empowers entrepreneurs is at the core of Lindsay’s coaching; you can often hear her telling her clients:
“We all have fears and insecurities but you have a choice: you can either double down on them and stay exactly where you are, or you can acknowledge them and move forward anyway. The choice is yours.”
Atousa Raissyan

“Game changer”, “intuitive gifted healer”, “guiding light”, “life changing” and “a blessing” are often how Atousa Raissyan’s clients describe their experience with her. She is a Certified heart-centered Transformational Healer, Shaman, and Spiritual Teacher. Atousa has extensive experience in, and passion for, helping individuals to discover and tap into their “true self”, in order to unlock their potential to experience their desired life, in terms of abundance, relationship and personal well-being.
Atousa has been practicing the art of wellness for over seventeen years during which time her clients have expressed how she has transformed their lives and in turn their families’ lives. Most of her clients have tried traditional to holistic/alternative practices without success and come to her once they have lost hope. Experiencing her healing methods, they release their past traumas along with the triggers associated with it, and rewire their emotional, mental, physical and their energy bodies. They are then able to reach their goals, make their dreams a reality, and learn the skills to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Her advice for living a fulfilled life is achieving self-love, accepting and believing in oneself and letting go of control and trusting the process of life. To accomplish it requires us to journey inward and bring awareness to our triggers; keep pointing the finger back at ourselves to discover “why.” Once we find the origin of the behavior then the next step is acceptance, forgiveness and self-love. The love, peace and joy we seek is achieved from the inside out and not vice versa.
Vanessa Shepherd

Vanessa Shepherd started She’s Got Vision with a desire to create a more fulfilling life for herself, her family, and her entire team, while following her passion for business and marketing. A 13-year corporate career gave her a glimpse into the lives of so many people working the same routine but feeling unfulfilled. Vanessa knew she wanted more from life than just a paycheck -- she wanted to fulfill a vision of enjoying life while doing something you love!
One of the most important lessons Vanessa has learned along the way, especially in growing She’s Got Vision over the last 11 years, has been to listen to your gut. Being in tune with her physical intuition has allowed Vanessa to increase her confidence and accomplish things that others said couldn’t be done.
Silencing your mind and listening to your body is a critical skill that can get you out of sticky situations or into amazing opportunities. Your gut instinct can help you explore yourself deeper, show up better in life and business, and can even help you work through emotional responses faster. Your physical intuition is a powerful helper! You won’t regret listening to what it has to say.
AstroPaloma (Paloma Gallardo)

Feng Shui Master, Chinese Astrologer BAZI, Life Coach.
Her Mission: To help raise the vibration of humanity changing the world one client at a time based on personalized informed decisions.
How: By Combining the 3 powerful forces of Metaphysics to GUARANTEE positive changes:
1-Astrology (heaven’s luck): Guiding you on what action to take in a specific moment in time. Like a Diagnostic of where are you in your life right now and what is best to do.
2-Feng Shui (Earth’s Luck): Your physical environment. Energy (Qi) flows around us and by making proper use of it, acts as the Cure/Prescription. What to change around your space to improve and absorb better Qi flow. How to align our physical bodies with a higher vibration, better frequency to achieve success in areas related to wealth, health and relationships.
3-Your Mind and Soul Awakening (Human’s luck): Understanding your potential and the power of your mind. Finding your true purpose in life. Change your perspective with positivity, find deep healing and empowerment. Create a better reality, a better life.
Jennifer Natalie

Jennifer Natalie is the CEO and Founder of Positivity on Purpose, a Life, Love, and Infidelity Recovery Coaching Program. Jennifer Natalie began her coaching career by way of her own personal experiences. She is passionate about making a positive impact on her clients lives along with helping them find their joy, purpose, and igniting what sets their soul on fire.
Finding what brings you joy is one of the fundamental steps to begin living a fulfilled life. Without joy, it can be challenging to appreciate life and all it has to offer. Gratitude is another essential element in living a fulfilled life. Living life in a state of joy and gratitude allows you to attract more things to be joyful and grateful for. It really can be that simple. If you are looking for positivity, perspective, and purpose, ask yourself one simple question, what brings you joy?
Mike Oglesbee

Since founding Maximized Mind Hypnotherapy & Coaching in 2011, Mike Oglesbee has specialized in helping people overcome anxiety and depression and live more effective lives. Having overcome lifelong anxiety and depression himself using the teachings in his recent book, Fight Back, Mike is passionate about helping others harness their personal power, live more effectively, and create the life they truly desire to live.
William M. Deihl PhD.

William (Bill) Deihl is the founder and creator of Doc Hypnosis a wellness company and Being Superhuman in business a public speaking company. With Bill being a healer and public speaker, he brings an interesting perspective into Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy. Being a 3-time cancer survivor and having an NDE. He gives an enlightening approach that makes you feel comfortable discussing your needs. Using his knowledge in Hypnotherapy, NLP, PCW and Life coaching he helps you get to the heart of the problems and onto a solution fast. Plus, with his background in T.C.M traditional Chinese medicine, Nutritional Science and Executive Business training he brings a balance few people can create. He is one of the few people that practices what he preaches. He brings a light-hearted joyous approach to everything he does.
“Did you know when you were going to die when you were 10? What about when you were 25? What about at this age? Then don’t you have the same amount of time to live?” Live your life to the fullest and make the best out of it. You never know when it will end. So, LIVE NOW!”
Georgina Yadav

Want to live a fulfilled and happy life? Ask yourself, “What do I want?”, “What would I love for my life?” Start designing your dream! When you become clear on what it is you really want in life, you begin to see opportunities and circumstances that you would have otherwise missed.
Once you make a firm decision, even in the absence of perfect conditions things begin to happen to help in the fulfillment of that decision. You need to decide for your dream and hold it firmly in your mind despite what your current circumstances might be saying.
With a clear picture and a decision made you can begin to befriend your fear. Do the thing you really want to do even when fear rises up and tries to stop you. Great DreamBuilding requires the ability to suspend knowing how and taking action in the absence of all the answers.
Georgina is an inspiring speaker and transformational Life Coach. With a heart centered approach, she works with individuals and organizations, empowering them to create richer, more fulfilling lives and accelerate their results. Having worked with countless clients, Georgina’s mission is to empower individuals and businesses to live a life they love living.
To achieve the idea of living a fulfilling life, one must excel in both, his personal and professional endeavors. Where personal fulfillment gives you the happiness and gift of great relationships with others, professional fulfillment is necessary to feel satisfied in life and gives you purpose. And we hope this advice by some of the greatest life coaches will help you accomplish that goal in your life.