Isn’t the idea of having a healthy body, mind, and soul amazing? I mean just think about all the positivity you will possess in your life. Well, that's what holistic coaches are for. We have been taught since the beginning that a person's overall development is only possible when they have a healthy mind, body, and spirit. It sure sounds like a big deal but expert coaches like Garett Martyn, make them look too easy.
The founder and creator of Holistiworld Inc., Garett Martyn is the lead developer of the Holistic Disciplines. With his company, Garett has made it his mission to increase holistic education and holistic healthcare among people of all ages and prevent them from mass global exploitation.
The Holistiworld brand has grown much more into a holistically diversified conglomerate. And it has been split into different websites to provide targeted life coaching and life enhancing products to his students and customers.
1. We are pleased to welcome you to our platform. I am sure our readers are excited to know more about you and Holistiworld Inc. Can you please tell us more about how your services and company serve the community?
Thank you for taking the time to learn about my story and my mission. I am so grateful to have this opportunity.
To truly answer your question, you must first know this; Holistiworld is the imaginary planet that I made-up. It’s an artistic representation of the collective reality in which we all live in as a collective. A planet where nothing is good and nothing is bad, nothing is right and nothing is wrong. Everything simply is as it is. Holistiworld represents all the possibilities of everything, and how we as individuals are all peacefully or chaotically coexisting in this made-up reality, this made-up world.
Holistiworld is the planetary home of the Holistipeople. A global Holistitribe who live out their holistic experience by practicing and developing their Holistic Disciplines. The Holistic Disciplines is a way of life. A way of life that promotes the holistic development of the mind, the body, and the spirit. A way of life that has been passed down from the elders and the ancestors who came before.
This is where Holistiworld Incorporated comes in.
Holistiworld, Inc. is a corporate entity that allows me, as the Holistic Custodian of Holistiworld, to bring the teachings of the Holistic Disciplines all the way from Holistiworld to Mother Earth. To educate, heal, and enlighten the people and sheeple of Mother Earth who have been corrupted by the Darkness, which is trying to take over the Holistic Üniverse one soul at a time.
Through Holistimart’s products, Holistiskool’s courses, and the Holistiworld Foundation’s: Holisti-Ops, we will be able to help the people and sheeple of Mother Earth re-learn their forgotten Holistic Disciplines that have been a part of their existence since the beginning of reality.
It’s truly an exciting time to be alive.
2. What inspired you most to choose this line of career and what were the struggles you faced in the beginning?
Well, I never chose this. I simply followed my deepest and most pure desires and have evolved into what I am now: A jack of all trades, a master of none.
I also don’t like the word ‘career’. To me, careers are about money, and they tend to be a waste of valuable time and energy.
This is much more of a lifestyle, like traditional Yoga. And to me, lifestyle is about attaining holistic prosperity. I am simply sharing the knowledge that has been passed down to me, along with the wisdom that I’ve picked up along the way. And yes, there have been some struggles. Just like a tree struggling to stay rooted in the ground during a windy storm, or a single parent struggling to put food on the table for their family. Struggling takes many forms and life is full of them. For me, I struggled with lots of things. Money, women, drugs, women… The list goes on. I don’t think it matters what our struggles are, as much as it matters how we choose to either deal with them or coexist with them. All I truly know is that I started at the bottom, and now I’m here. And no matter what struggles may present themselves to me in the future, I will deal with them the same way I dealt with them in the past; through the Holistic Disciplines and having complete faith in God, The Most High King of Kings.
3. How do you think the Holistic Disciplines can change a person's life? Is it beyond the idea of introducing positive personal development in our lives?
The only good reason I can think for why the Holistic Disciplines can change a person’s life is because it has positively changed me and my life. I wouldn’t be anywhere good if it wasn’t for what the Holistic Disciplines have taught me about myself. I’ve noticed that the more I know myself, the more I find peace with myself. And I believe that the more we find peace with ourselves, the easier it becomes to find peace with others. This may be the answer to the age-old question of “what brings world peace?”. So yes, I certainly believe that the Holistic Disciplines are far beyond the idea of introducing positive personal development into people’s lives. This has the potential to positively change our collective reality.
4. How is the journey of being a holistic coach coming out for you? Are you facing any roadblocks in making people understand its importance?
Well, the journey is never ending, and it does have some roadblocks, along with all kinds of weather and obstacles. But that’s what I signed up for. I knew what I was stepping into when I decided to start this company and build this brand. Whenever I come across a roadblock, I simply walk around it, or build another road entirely. The roads I build may end up going in an entirely new direction all together, but the destination remains the same. Even though I don’t have a clue as to what the destination will look like or feel like, I just make a point in building the most interesting roads so that I can truly enjoy the journey.
5. How do the martial arts and Yogic sciences fit into the Holistic Disciplines? And how have your clients benefitted from it?
The Holistic Disciplines is such a broad subject. That being said, the martial arts and Yogic sciences are a ginormous piece of the Holistic Disciplines pie. Martial arts embody chaos and masculinity, while Yogic sciences embody peace and femininity. They go together hand in hand like husband and wife. You could even consider them as partners in crime.
The martial arts in their truest forms are quite simply ‘military art’. In a nutshell, it’s just a way of killing people with style. The martial arts that I choose to incorporate into the Holistic Disciplines is watered down. It’s not meant for killing. It’s meant for developing strong foundations in the mind, body, and spirit by tapping into our full potential as Homo sapiens, no matter how savage those potentials may be. Martial arts teach us that we can still find beauty in all things. Martial arts are the light in the dark.
Yogic sciences, on the other hand, are simply the proven ways to find union with yourself. Yoga and martial arts are very similar in more ways than most people will admit, but Yoga provides gentler ways of dealing with our personal struggles or roadblocks. Yogic science goes much more in-depth in regards to the human experience. It has guidance on almost everything that an individual would ever need guidance on. How to think, how to know, how to feel, how to be… What to eat, how to eat, when to eat… Yoga even gives guidance on what to wear, how to detoxify your mind, body, and spirit, and most importantly, it teaches us that there is more going on in this holistic experience than just the external world that we are conscious of. It teaches us that there is also an internal world that is there for us to explore, and that the only way to explore that world is through our breath.
My clients and students have only benefitted from what they have chosen to benefit from. Some go through the process of holistic enlightenment. Others have chosen to see if they can discover an easier way to become enlightened, but I cannot change the truth. The truth is: If they want a more fulfilling life, they must learn to dissolve their egos, and then do what is historically and scientifically proven to create the positive changes that they desire. That’s what the Holistic Disciplines are for. I, as the holistic educator, simply lead by example. I do what I do. Once we all start holding ourselves accountable for our individual realities, and take responsibility for mind, body, and spirit, we will begin to see the benefits of the Holistic Disciplines. That is how each of us can create a better internal world, which will translate into manifesting a more prosperous Holistiworld.