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Mashi Epting is Differentiating Entrepreneurs from Business Owners With Sustainable Blueprint To Success

September 11, 2024

No matter how hard you work as a business leader or entrepreneur, you can't achieve consistent results without a hardworking team that values learning. In my experience as an executive and mentor, sustainable results come from balancing hard work and continuous learning for both you and your team. That's the real challenge.

Most business leaders I've met have found this balance for themselves. However, many find it significantly harder to maintain this balance within their teams and across their organization. This difficulty often comes from focusing solely on results-based metrics to measure performance, without considering learning and development achievements.

I found some great insights along these lines with multi-faceted business executive, medical professional, and master strategist, Mashi Epting while talking about continuous learning and its role in business.

Mashi Epting's career is a testament to the power of continuous learning. From her early days as a young mother determined to create a better future, to her current role as the owner of several successful ventures, Mashi has consistently prioritized education and self-improvement. She owns Complete Treatment, a healthcare company specializing in comprehensive care based on the DSM-5-TR, and Complete Taxes, a reputable tax company. Additionally, she founded Complete Tax and Training Software, offering business setup, tax software, and training. These accomplishments highlight her diverse expertise and unwavering commitment to learning.

Mashi often shares that continuous learning is not just a strategy; it’s a mindset. "You have to be committed to evolving," she says. "The business landscape is always changing, and if you're not learning, you're falling behind." This approach has been fundamental in her journey, enabling her to stay ahead of industry trends and adapt to new challenges.

Learning isn’t confined to formal education. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from reading industry publications and attending seminars to engaging in peer discussions and seeking mentorship. Mashi emphasizes that the most successful entrepreneurs are those who actively seek knowledge and apply it to their business practices. "It's about being curious and always looking for ways to improve," she notes.

Mashi’s own journey is a testament to the power of continuous learning. Early in her career, she realized that to succeed, she needed to be more than just knowledgeable about her industry. She needed to be adaptable and open to new ideas. This realization led her to pursue various certifications and training programs, even when they didn’t seem directly related to her immediate goals. "I took courses in areas that seemed outside my comfort zone because I knew that growth happens when you step into the unknown," she explains.

One such instance was when she decided to delve into the complexities of tax software.

Initially, it seemed unrelated to her work in healthcare, but she soon discovered that understanding this area allowed her to streamline her business operations and offer more comprehensive services to her clients. "It was a game-changer," she recalls. "That knowledge not only improved my business efficiency but also gave me a competitive edge."

Mashi believes that while individual learning is essential, fostering a culture of continuous learning within a team is equally important. "A learning mindset has to be embedded in your company's DNA," she asserts. This involves encouraging team members to pursue their own educational interests and providing them with opportunities for professional development.

Creating such a culture starts with leadership. She advises business leaders to lead by example. "When your team sees you investing time and effort in your own learning, they are more likely to do the same," she says. Providing resources for learning, such as access to courses, workshops, and conferences, is also crucial. "Make learning a part of your team's routine, and recognize and reward those who take initiative," she suggests.

Set Personal Learning Goals

Setting specific, measurable learning goals is a cornerstone of continuous growth. Mashi emphasizes the importance of having clear objectives to guide your learning journey. "Without goals, it's easy to get lost in the sea of information out there," she says. "I always set yearly goals for myself, whether it's mastering a new software, reading a certain number of industry books, or attending specific workshops. These goals keep me focused and motivated." By setting targets, you can track your progress and stay committed to your learning path.

Leverage Online Resources

The internet offers a wealth of learning opportunities, from webinars and online courses to podcasts and eBooks. Mashi highlights the importance of utilizing these resources to stay current and competitive. "In today’s digital age, there's no excuse not to learn," she states. Find what works best for you and integrate it into your daily routine." She often spends time in the evening watching webinars or listening to industry podcasts, ensuring she’s always absorbing new information.

Network and Learn from Others

Engaging with peers and industry leaders can provide invaluable insights and new perspectives. Mashi encourages entrepreneurs to actively seek out networking opportunities. "Join professional networks, attend industry events, and don’t be afraid to ask questions," she advises. "Some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned came from casual conversations with fellow entrepreneurs and mentors." Building a network of like-minded individuals allows you to share experiences, discuss challenges, and brainstorm solutions, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failure is an inevitable part of any entrepreneurial journey, but it’s also a powerful learning tool. Mashi believes that embracing failure can lead to significant growth and development. "Every setback is a chance to learn and grow," she says. "I’ve had my share of failures, but each one taught me something valuable. Instead of being discouraged by failures, view them as opportunities to improve and refine your strategies." By analyzing what went wrong and how to fix it, you can turn setbacks into stepping stones toward success.

Stay Curious

Curiosity is the driving force behind continuous learning. Mashi emphasizes the importance of maintaining a curious mindset throughout your career. "Never stop asking questions and seeking new knowledge," she urges. "Curiosity keeps you engaged and constantly evolving. Whether it's exploring a new industry trend or diving into a completely different field, staying curious ensures you’re always learning." This inquisitive nature not only broadens your knowledge base but also sparks innovation and creativity in your business endeavors.