Making 1% better everyday | Interview with empowerment speaker and pastoral counselor, Dr. Angela Chester

They all say, “the journey to empowerment starts from within.” While we all know it’s easier said than done, a faith-based media professional, empowerment speaker, author of multiple best-sellers and pastoral counselor, Dr. Angela Chester has been making this a reality for 20 years now.
Like everyone, Dr. Chester’s journey to empowerment was not an easy one. As a breast cancer survivor, her journey stumbled on numerous challenges, which she defines as “glorious chances” to find her voice again.
After pivoting her career, starting her practice all over again and jumping off all the conventional boundaries, she re-entered the world of Pastoral Counselling only to steer others to a successful life.
She further made it her mission to empower others going through the same hardships of self-doubts, fear and anxiety. Most of her work is faith-based, but she relies on psychology, research and her own experiences to navigate others to live their dreams.
While Dr. Angela is helping countless individuals to crack the code of change, she constantly thrives on a single belief, i.e. “We all face challenges and adversities, but we can overcome them by coming together and supporting each other. When we do, we become stronger and more empowered individuals.”
A leader and voice behind various successful women, she inspires individuals every day through her internationally celebrated radio show, Daily Spark with Dr. Angela.
So, we recently caught up with her to dig a little deeper into her inspiring journey and the secrets of her coaching success. Here’s a glimpse of the interview.
1) It’s such a delight to have you onboard for this interview series! Before we dig in, we’d love to know about your past life and what encouraged you to become a Pastoral counselor?
I have always been very comfortable in my faith. I’ve always had a personal relationship with God – that knowing that God wasn’t just “out there” but was a part of my every day. When I was a young person, Pastors over the years told my parents I had a “pulpit presence” and to allow me to pursue that anointing. When I was 16, I had a conversation with my then pastor (Dr. Brian Blount, who is currently the President of Union Presbyterian Seminary). He informed me that Pastoral Counseling was the field for me. He was correct. I love it!
2) What are some of the challenges that women face at large and how are you addressing all those problems?
Many women face the issue of either a lack of access or have inherited negative/toxic beliefs and mindsets. Thanks to social media, the internet, and a desire to empower women, I use these resources in a positive way. Posting daily, my goal is to “enlighten, inspire and empower” everyone to keep moving forward. Having an encouraging word can at times be the difference between quitting and winning.
For so many women and young girls, the culture has taught them that they are limited in their ability to be fully participatory in their own lives and success. By changing the mindset of the woman, you can change her outcome. When you empower women you better a community. How is this true?
A woman, a mother especially, is a child’s first teacher. She will share either her limitations, her celebrations, or both. A woman who has to succeed has also failed or fallen short at least once. The lessons she has gained are priceless. By giving women a safe place in which to share, grow and learn, you cultivate the ground so seeds of success can be planted. Her immediate community will benefit, but the global community reaps the benefits as well.
When we have a positive mindset of #eachoneteachone community growth is exponential.
3) What would you suggest to someone who is reluctant to work on their life journey with an expert coach?
Don’t be! Work with someone that makes you feel comfortable and has a program that interests you. Give yourself a realistic timetable. Allow for 4-6 weeks of sessions to pass before reviewing. The first two weeks you’re still adjusting to a new way of doing things – including having a coach, especially if you are only attending once a week. It’s around week four when you’re able to make a more educated decision about the sessions. But one’s journey to wellness starts the moment they decide to get started with a coach.
Knowing that something needs to change is the catalyst for that change. The right coach will help you through the rough parts and the smooth road. Again, look for someone that you believe you’ll be comfortable with. Gender, age, and faith are important to some.
You’ll find many times the thing that is keeping someone stuck, is that thing they are the most reluctant to talk about, or the limiting mindsets/beliefs they’ve been taught. They must move that mountain and clear the way for a better view. The right coach will assist you in doing just that!
4) What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? How has it impacted your life?
Never stop daydreaming. Listen for the call.
When we stop dreaming, we stop growing and moving forward. To create we must first see it in our mind’s eye, in our imagination. Cultivate that. Encourage time for that. It connects us to the I’m Possible.
Just as the mother bird calls to her baby birds to get them to step out of the nest, so will our life’s passion and purpose call to us. When we hone in on that call, like a missile honing in on its target, we are able to reach our personal targets and walk in purpose.
5) What advice would you have for someone who is facing a difficult situation and doesn’t know where to turn?
Do what your faith instructs you first – honor faith. I would also add, talk to someone you trust personally who has displayed wisdom in the past. If able, seek professional help.
When one is out of alignment, you’ll find discomfort and disease. This goes for one’s finances, physical body, mental health, spiritual atonement, and the like. Taking a moment to look at what’s going on in your life can help you determine where you need to start. Look at the areas of dis-ease.
A good place to start is by using the acronym A-S-K.
- Assess your life – take an inventory of what’s really happening.
- Seek the solution. Figure out what must happen next for progress and healing to begin and have the positive outcome you’re looking for.
- Know your boundaries. Don’t create new problems for yourself. Address the current issue and solve it.
6) What is one thing that you’d want to change in your industry? How are you working towards that?
How we connect. One thing that the pandemic taught us is that teleconferencing gives you even more access to amazing minds. Because we were tasked with being creative and thinking outside the box (the speaker must be able to attend in person) we found that the world could in fact continue to spin and spin effectively. We made better use of the resources and tools available to us; we were able to positively move forward, gain knowledge and lower our carbon footprint.
More people had access to new information that in turn caused them to become more connected to their passion or discover a new passion for life. In removing the obstacle of travel, we were able to instead get closer as a global community and share our knowledge.
I will offer to continue to offer remote/online services and events so more people have access.