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Lekha Vyas

40 Under 40' 2024

February 23, 2024

Age- 37

Company Name- ELVY Lab

Position in the Company- Founder

Bio: Lekha Vyas founded ELVY Lab with a dual purpose deeply rooted in personal experiences and professional observations. Growing up, she witnessed the devastating effects of self-esteem issues stemming from bullying, leading to the loss of a family member and a close friend. This fueled her commitment to addressing the challenges faced by men during puberty. While women typically have outlets for advice on physical and emotional difficulties, males often feel reluctant to seek help due to judgment, causing insecurities that can lead to depression in adulthood. The societal pressure of beauty standards for men, not just women, correlates with a concerning suicide rate among American males.

With 12 years of experience in the beauty industry, Lekha observed a significant oversight: the predominant focus on female-centric products and services left a void for men. Motivated by a desire to bridge this gap and challenge societal norms, she set out to create a simplified, unintimidating skincare line that allows men to embrace self-care without stigma.

Through ELVY, Lekha aspires to contribute to the normalization of self-care for all genders. Helping men feel comfortable and confident in their own skin is a vital step toward a more inclusive and balanced beauty industry, she believes. It's not just about skincare – it's a holistic approach to empowering individuals to look and feel their best, ultimately boosting self-assurance and well-being.

Lekha expresses her excitement to share everything that ELVY has been working hard on for 2024. The company plans to launch more products, including a collection focusing on full-body self-care from head to toe.

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